Grow Soil-Free Veggies Through Sprouting

Dates:February 16, 2025
Meets:Su from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Location:Mt. Airy Axis, 520 Carpenter Lane
Cost: $39.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Join Kitty to discover how you can easily grow substantial quantities of nutritious, budget-friendly veggies in the form of sprouts right on your kitchen counter. All it takes are some seeds, a glass jar, some water and a piece of cheesecloth. Growing your own is as fresh and local as it gets. Learn to grow salad sprouts, protein sprouts and omega-3 sprouts, and how to use them to prepare delicious recipes for main meals, sides, snacks and beverages. Bring along a clean glass jar and lid so that you can leave class with your first harvest ready to go!
Fee: $39.00

Mt. Airy Axis, 520 Carpenter Lane

Between McCallum and Greene Streets, same block as Big Blue Marble and the Co-op.

Kitty Kaar

is a retired educator and corporate trainer who has been enjoying the empowerment of growing her own fresh, nutritious veggies for the past three years.

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