Acrylic Pour Painting

Dates:October 19, 2024
Meets:Sa from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Location:Wesley Enhanced Living, 6300 Greene St.
Cost: $34.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Come and learn the basics of pour painting. Everyone can do this class! You will learn step by step instructions, from mixing the paint to completing two canvases using two separate techniques - The Flip Cup and The Tree Ring. You will learn the variations of paint coverage. Everyone will leave with two finished pieces of their artwork. Please wear clothes you don't mind getting paint on, and bring a cookie sheet covered in tin foil to transport your artwork home with you. This class is fun for children, teens and adults, ages 6+. Come as a family and make art together!


A $15 materials fee for canvas, paint, and mixing equipment is payable to the instructor.
Fee: $34.00

Fee Breakdown

Category Description Amount
Course Fee (Basic)Course Fee$ 34.00
Course Fee (Alternate)Parent & Child$ 39.00
Optional FeeAdditional Child$ 5.00

Wesley Enhanced Living, 6300 Greene St.

Julie Potter

has been making art since she was old enough to hold a crayon. She has a BS in Interior Design, with a minor in Fabric Design. Julie has taught different styles of art to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, church groups, ladies retreats and more. She believes everyone has creative ability within themselves.

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