T'ai Chi Ch'uan: Beginning

Dates:January 23 - March 27, 2025
Meets:Th from 8:00 PM to 8:45 PM
Location:Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
Cost: $109.00

There are 4 openings remaining at this time.


Yang style T'ai Chi, as handed down by the T'ai Chi Master Cheng Man Ching, is a low-impact exercise that can also be considered a moving meditation. It has a wealth of benefits for physical and mental health. The physical benefits include improvement of balance, thus decreasing risk of injury from falls, as well as aiding in pain relief for musculoskeletal problems. It has been shown to be more helpful in controlling high blood pressure and fostering a healthier heart than aerobic exercise. The mental benefits include lowering stress, improving focus and resilience, helping reduce age-related cognitive decline and serving as an aid in controlling depression. This class is for those who are new to T'ai Chi. The only equipment necessary are loose, comfortable clothing and flat-soled shoes.
Fee: $109.00

Fee Breakdown

Category Description Amount
Course Fee (Basic)Course Fee$ 109.00
Optional FeeDonation (optional)$ 0.00

Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.

If you are driving, there is a parking lot behind the church. To enter, use the driveway to the right of the white house, located to the right of the church. SEPTA Options: Route L bus stops at Germantown & Chestnut Hill Avenues. Route 23 bus stops a block away at Germantown & Evergreen Avenues. Chestnut Hill West or East at the end of the line (Chestnut Hill West) is about a 2-3 block walk.marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=8812+Germantown+Avenue,+Philadelphia,+PA&aq=0&oq=8812+germ,+Philadelphia,+PA&sll=40.069447,-75.195286&sspn=0.007586,0.018582&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=8812+Germantown+Ave,+Philadelphia,+Pennsylvania+19118&t=m&z=14&ll=40.07785,-75.211836&output=embed">
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Kurt Findeisen

has studied T'ai Chi Ch'uan with Maggie Newman since 1979 until her retirement from teaching several years ago. With her consent, he began his own teaching in the late 1980’s through the auspices of Mount Airy Learning Tree. He is a retired physician who believes his T'ai Chi instruction is as valuable as any drug he ever prescribed.
Date Day Time Location
01/23/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
01/30/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
02/06/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
02/13/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
02/20/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
02/27/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
03/06/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
03/13/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
03/20/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
03/27/2025Thursday8 PM to 8:45 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.

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