Kitchen Rx: Restore Your Health with Food As Medicine

Dates:February 4, 2025
Meets:Tu from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Cost: $34.00

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Make your pantry a better path to health than your medicine cabinet. Plant-based eating is a proven antidote to many of the chronic illnesses of our time. Medical research, for example, has validated nutritionist claims that the condition of pre-diabetes (affecting one in three adult Americans) can be reversed with a plant-based diet. Eating a whole foods diet has been shown to strengthen our immunological resistance and to prevent many other illnesses including heart disease, and even some forms of cancer. This lifestyle aligns us with creating more peace in the world--by making a choice to reduce the suffering caused by unaware food choices, reducing animal cruelty and supporting the health of the planet. Get inspired prior to class by watching The Game Changers documentary, available on several platforms.
Fee: $34.00

Fee Breakdown

Category Description Amount
Course Fee (Basic)Course Fee$ 34.00
Optional FeeDonation (optional)$ 0.00

Elise Rivers

Esq., MAc, has practiced holistic medicine for more than twenty years and is the founder of the Northwest Center for Food As Medicine, teaching people how to prevent and reverse the chronic diseases of our time. Learning from renowned functional medicine doctors, she has studied the benefits of plant-based nutrition since 2013, and is certified by Cornell University's program in plant-based nutrition. TOUR OF TOURISON: has worked in the field of historic preservation as Assistant Director of Preservation Worcester in Massachusetts and Executive Director of Landmark West, an historic preservation non-profit advocating for the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Her passion for beauty in architecture has never waned, and she was inspired to put together this walking tour, after living in, and loving, her own Tourison home.

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