Fun with Watercolor Techniques

Dates:February 7-28, 2025
Meets:F from 10:00 AM to 12 N
Location:Center on the Hill, Presbyterian Church of Chest. Hill
Cost: $89.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

If you have always wanted to paint with watercolors, but have been afraid to try, this course is the perfect place to start. It's geared for beginners. Learn several tricks to creating beautiful watercolors even if you have never painted before. Each session will begin with a short demo of a different watercolor technique. Students will then have plenty of time to experiment.


BYO materials or buy them from the list provided upon registration.
Fee: $89.00

Fee Breakdown

Category Description Amount
Course Fee (Basic)Course Fee$ 89.00
Optional FeeDonation (optional)$ 0.00

Center on the Hill, Presbyterian Church of Chest. Hill

8855 Germantown Ave. Just past Chestnut Hill Hospital, make a right into driveway. There is a large parking lot behind the church. Route L bus stops at Germantown Avenue & Norman Lane. Route 23 bus stops 2-3 blocks away at Germantown & Evergreen Avenues. Chestnut Hill West or East at the end of the line is about a 3-4 block walk.

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Rebecca Hoenig

has been an artist and art teacher for several decades. She is particularly inspired by nature and begins most of her work with drawing and observation from life.
Date Day Time Location
02/07/2025Friday10 AM to 12 N Center on the Hill, Presbyterian Church of Chest. Hill
02/14/2025Friday10 AM to 12 N Center on the Hill, Presbyterian Church of Chest. Hill
02/21/2025Friday10 AM to 12 N Center on the Hill, Presbyterian Church of Chest. Hill
02/28/2025Friday10 AM to 12 N Center on the Hill, Presbyterian Church of Chest. Hill

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