Spiritual Autobiography

Dates:February 4 - March 4, 2025
Meets:Tu from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Location:Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
Cost: $84.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


We define ourselves not only through formative personal experiences but also through emulating role models, subscribing to theories of personality development, or perhaps embracing religious or spiritual practices. If you want to explore more thoroughly the roots of your own character and how you might further develop your spirituality, this is your course! Through writing and dialogue we will examine the roots of our own biographies. You will be offered a large selection of readings. Enjoying reading is helpful but not a must.
Fee: $84.00

Fee Breakdown

Category Description Amount
Course Fee (Basic)Course Fee$ 84.00
Optional FeeDonation (optional)$ 0.00

Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.

If you are driving, there is a parking lot behind the church. To enter, use the driveway to the right of the white house, located to the right of the church. SEPTA Options: Route L bus stops at Germantown & Chestnut Hill Avenues. Route 23 bus stops a block away at Germantown & Evergreen Avenues. Chestnut Hill West or East at the end of the line (Chestnut Hill West) is about a 2-3 block walk.marginwidth="0" src="https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=8812+Germantown+Avenue,+Philadelphia,+PA&aq=0&oq=8812+germ,+Philadelphia,+PA&sll=40.069447,-75.195286&sspn=0.007586,0.018582&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=8812+Germantown+Ave,+Philadelphia,+Pennsylvania+19118&t=m&z=14&ll=40.07785,-75.211836&output=embed">
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David Low

,MS, PhD was an entertainer and drug counselor before getting a doctorate in Religious Studies, and teaching as an adjunct instructor at Rutgers, Rowan and other colleges in the area. He has a private counseling practice in Mt. Airy. David teaches MALT's comparative religion classes. See more about him at davidlowmsphd.com.
Date Day Time Location
02/04/2025Tuesday7 PM to 8:30 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
02/11/2025Tuesday7 PM to 8:30 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
02/18/2025Tuesday7 PM to 8:30 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
02/25/2025Tuesday7 PM to 8:30 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.
03/04/2025Tuesday7 PM to 8:30 PM Chestnut Hill United, 8812 Germantown Ave.

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